Hard Boiled Excitement

Easter Eggs Pose Together Saturday night, we had a bunch of friends over for feasting and excitement. As Erin Dean foretold, the theme of the dinner was “While You Were Out.” The main event was not the meal, but the egg decorating contest and egg drop competition. Check out the flickr for complete coverage.

There was much feasting
Our menu…

Bread and Cheeses, provided by Erin! Thanks, Erin!
Kumquats and Muscats

The Meal
Maple Orange Glazed Ham, Asparagus and Shiitake Risotto, and Balsamic Roasted Yams
Spicy Meat Balls, provided by Eliot and Julie. Thanks guys!

The Aftermath
Mint chocolate Ore ice cream cake, provided by Shawn and Brook. Yum!

Hard Boiled Excitement
The competition consisted of two aspects: Egg Dyeing and Eggs Dying. We spent a few hours creating the best dressed eggs and the safest egg-drop devices.

Erin poses with Resurrected Jesus the EggHugo with his unaltered eggg

Category Winners
Best Dressed
Claire and Guzman Overboard, by Shawn and Brooke

Most Ironic
Flying Spaghetti Monster, by Hugo

Best Tie-in to the story of the Resurrection
He is Risen!, by Erin and Jett

The Safety Award
Egg-streme Sports, by Eliot and Julie

Most Dangerous
Bond and Bond Girl, by Erin and Andrew Shawn and Brooke pose with Guzman and Claire in the Water Julie and Eliot pose with their entry, Egg-streme Sports