Posting to Blogger from Word

Hi Imma, Posting to Blogger from Word has been a challenge. I really love writing in Word, especially the 2007 version. It sure beats Blogger’s online editor. There are three things I do a lot, and only one of them works: 1. Write a new post. This one works. The best I can do to…

Picture Posted from Word?

I remember from some past posts that I had trouble with inline pictures when posting to Blogger from Word 2007. If you see Jennifer below, it works. For those of you not on Facebook, this picture is from yesterday’s lovely Saturday afternoon. Sage Kitamorn

Musical Scavenger Hunt

A few weeks ago, I happened upon an outdoor concert at Volunteer Park.  Between bands, they played some classic rock, including The Door's song L.A. Woman.  Even though I was concentrating on reading my book, I had one ear tuned to the paino solo, which I have probably heard forty six times before.      On this Sunday, hearing this solo was like…