Ralph Nader

Ralph Nader announced this morning that he's running for president.  Some people blame Nader for leeching democratic votes in 2000 and 2004, giving the election to George Bush over Al Gore and John Kerry.   I do not blame Ralph Nader for giving us George Bush.    I blame the people that voted for George…


From the New York Times: Completing a mission in which an interceptor designed for missile defense was used for the first time to attack a satellite, the Lake Erie, an Aegis-class cruiser, fired a single missile just before 10:30 p.m. Eastern time, and the missile hit the satellite as it traveled at more than 17,000…

The Hillary Matching Game

Match the politician with the observed behavior:    1.  ______  Refuse to acknowledge you're losing despite evidence to the contrary.    2.  ______  Put all of your chips on state(s) with large number of delegates; lose big in the rest.   3.  ______  Stay in the race after the prospect of winning becomes impossible or…

Freaks and Geeks

Last week, Hugo ordered Freaks and Geeks DVDs from Blockbuster Online. I had never seen it before, but I decided to give it a spin. Despite the fact that I was working like crazy last week, I still found time (mostly by not sleeping) to watch the nine episodes that we had in our posession….

Austin’s Mayor Endorses Obama

Austin’s mayor endorsed Barack Obama on Thursday. The mayor of Austin is named Will Wynn. A good omen if you’re a betting man. Sage Kitamorn

Overheard …

"I would love for my job to be to count beans, because I think I could do that pretty well." – someone walking past my office   "First he made me ashamed to be a Texan.  Then he made me ashamed to be an American." – a stranger at the Latona Pub, who was also from…

Rock the Caucus

So it looks like my vote will matter after all 🙂 I want to go buy an American flag and hang it from my balcony, along with a big sign that says Caucus Saturday at 1PM! A lot of people will see it since I live above a pretty busy intersection which is also a…